Mekhla Maheshwari

Mekhla started running during pandemic and got addicted to it.
- Previously trained in kickboxing and MMA.
- Mekhla has multiple podium finishes to her name.
- She is a digital media & advertising professional and is heading sales for a media startup.
- Her belief about fitness
- Change your thinking about exercise as a chore you have to do to a GIFT you get to do
because you are able to.

Mekhla is a resilient person who has paved her way based on inner strength, grit and determination. From building a career that she loves, to training her body to become an ace runner, she has developed the skills brick by brick. Mekhla now has multiple podium finishes to her name. She is a digital media sales professional who has worked with organisations like Times Internet, Scroll. in and BRUT previously. She started running during pandemic and got addicted to it. She considers running as a FREE magic pill that has immediate effect on mind and body. As a pacer she loves to help people achieve their goals and motivate them to consistently keep moving. Her mantra - It is more important to get started and be at it, than to get it perfect.