Introducing Varsha Padwal, who began her running journey in 2019 at the age of 37, with no prior sports background, and quickly became a force to be reckoned with in her hometown of Ambernath. Varsha has overcome numerous challenges in life, including working during the pandemic to support her family while continuing to pursue her passion for running. Being associated with the Runholics Athletic team and coached by Anil Korvi sir, Varsha has participated in over 50 running events across India, earning several podium finishes and victories as well. Her personal bests are a 1 hr 51 mins 53 secs in half marathon and a 49 mins 55 secs in 10 km. Passion, dedication, and hard work are her guiding principles, and she encourages other women to start their fitness journey, proving that it's never too late to become fitter and inspire future generations.
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