Introducing Vani Subramanian, a dedicated runner, tech professional at Google, and a mother of two. Vani discovered her love for distance running in 2021 during the challenges of the pandemic. Her running journey was ignited through the support of the Jayanagar Jaguars running club in Bengaluru, where she trained for her first half marathon at the Tata Mumbai Marathon 2023. Since then, Vani has made significant strides, with her latest achievement being a podium finish in her age category at the 2024 Adani Ahmedabad Half Marathon. The Tata Mumbai Marathon holds a special place in her heart, and she considers running it a yearly tradition. The electric atmosphere and sense of community keeps inspiring her. Running has taught her resilience, not only in the face of physical challenges but in all areas of her life, making each race a celebration of strength and perseverance.
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