
The PowerPuff Pink Runners aka the 3P Runners’ group was born out of a common passion for running. From freshers, experienced ultra-runners to decorated pacers, the 120-member draw inspiration from each other to better themselves every day. It’s this bonding that encapsulates sisterhood for Vidya Dsouza.

Vidya takes pride in talking about how the group thrives on challenges that help them to improve their well – being and make them better versions of themselves.Saturdays are reserved for practicing meditation and other agility exercises including Yoga, Zumba and Martial Arts basics.Their running drills are equally rigorous comprising of interval training,hill,tempo and long runs.It gives the team a chance to assess every runner and suggest methods to improve on any shortfalls.

The group’ s motto “Together we will do more” is a constant inspiration that pushes each of them beyond their limits.To validate it even more the 3 P Runners celebrate occasions like Diwali, Christmas, Onam, Maha Shivratri and others by going for long runs across Maharashtra, together.

This passion helps them to balance their professional and personal life and makes them soar higher and run longer distances with renewed passion each time, every time. The group runs as a family during these long runs and are not limited by their running gears, running in all forms of attire to inspire other women on the way. “Attire shouldn’t be a hindrance to your running or workouts” is what the 3P Runners advocate.

The group laughs, fights, but most importantly sticks together in times of need. For Vidya and the PowerPuff Pink Runners, women supporting women is what matters in the end!.

Share your sisterhood tales with us on tatasisterhoodofrunning@procam.in and the best stories will get featured on our page!