
The month of December in 2016 introduced this incredible sport called Running into Dipti Jain’s life and nothing has been the same ever since.

Her post pregnancy weight and bad health motivated her to start running. Like, all beginners, it was initially tough for Dipti to adapt to running. A believer of the phrase, ‘Practice makes anyone perfect,’ Dipti never gave up on her goals and with vigorous practice – she became steadier and stronger – both mentally and physically. Running also gave her immense joy, sense of positivity and wellness.

Dipti’s real source of strength and motivation comes from her coach, Mr. Girish Bindra. However, running gave her something more – a family of encouraging friends whom she fondly calls ‘The Hill Conquerors’ who make sure to motivate and help her win over life challenges. Her first run took place in 2016, where Dipti participated in a 10 km Runathon, impressively clocking it in 66 minutes and she credits her running buddies for constantly pushing and encouraging her to achieve this.

Since then, there has been no looking back for Dipti. She ran her first Half Marathon in 2018 at the prestigious Tata Mumbai Marathon where her timing was 2 hours and 38 minutes. Dipti deems the effort and motivation of her coach and friends as the key to achieve this achievement.

‘My running buddies assisted me whenever I felt low in life and I’m still the same seeker as I was when I started this journey in 2016 but now, I have the opportunity to guide and train some of the women who want to achieve more in their life,’ says Dipti.

Sisterhood of running has nurtured Dipti into an inspiring force and hopes that she does the same for all women who have felt vulnerable at some point in life.

Like Dipti Jain you too can share your sisterhood tales with us on tatasisterhoodofrunning@procam.in and the best ones will be featured on our page!